Just like that, here we are already in 2015 already. I hope everyone had a joyous holiday and wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new year.
This is the time of year when we see all the trend projections for 2015. Actually, throughout 2014 we have been reporting on our company's research on the mega trends that are currently shaping and will continue to shape the future of the location-based entertainment industry. We live in fast changing times with many trends, including changing demographics, generational shifts, changing culture and growth of digital technology, affecting people's out-of-home leisure participation and spending.
In this issue we have one article about what we see as the nascent start of an industry-changing trend, where entertainment becomes secondary to the other venue experiences. This paradigmatic shift needs to become a new mindset for developers and owners of community leisure venues that include entertainment who will be forced to compete with all the fast evolving options of digital entertainment and socialization.
Along those lines, here are some of the most popular articles from our 2014 issues that discuss industry and demographic trends.
If you like the articles your find in our Leisure eNewsletters, but you don't follow my blog, I recommend you subscribe. I only post to my blog occasionally, no more than two or three a month, so they won't clog up your mailbox. They cover things we don't have room for in our eNewsletter or that need more immediate coverage. Here are a few of my most popular blog posts from 2014 in case you missed them:
I look forward to seeing some of you at our January 20-22 Foundations Entertainment University in Phoenix. If you haven't registered, there's still time.
I hope you enjoy this issue. We have some informative, as well as though provoking articles this month to start off the New Year.