remember the old slapstick comedy where somebody gets a pie thrown in his
or her face? Well, on June 26th, a mom in Macon, Georgia has updated that
phenomenon by throwing a pizza pie at a Chuck E. Cheese mascot, but she didn't
intend it as humor.
When we first heard about the incident, we imagined the mother might have been dissatisfied with Chuck E. Cheese's new low-carb pizza. Apparently, though, the unnamed mom was angry that the mascot was not paying enough attention to her child. Macon police reported that a 17-year old girl was in the costume as "a gray cartoon-like rodent with large front teeth" when the mom hurled a slice of pizza at her. Whether Chuck E. Cheese is a rat or mouse we'll never know. Seems like the police couldn't figure it out either.
If the pie wasn't enough, the mom then threatened to "whip" the girl after she changed out of the costume. No "Chuck E. charges" have been filed in the case so far.
Wow, are guest expectations rising so high that now entertainment centers are at risk of suffering 'mom rage?' Will wearing a mascot costume now be rated as a hazardous job by OSHA that teenagers can no longer perform? Will mascots require armed guards? Only time will tell.