May Foundations Entertainment University was a great success, and Foundations
is gaining an international following. In May, our 45 participants included
seminar attendees from Cyprus, Nigeria, Dominican Republic and the Bahamas.
The tour of Paradise Park gave everyone a chance to see both a family
entertainment and children's edutainment center, including many behind-
the-scenes places, including a safe cash counting room, a costume-changing
area and the back of the kitchen. The optional tour of the year-old Advanced
Laser Tag also gave attendees interested in laser tag a chance to see
a real facility in action.
We're repeating Foundations this summer on July 20-22 in Kansas City, Missouri, including the tours of Paradise Park and Advanced Laser Tag. You can save $100 by registering before June 27. Don't get caught in the same situation as the entrepreneur in the preceding article. Learn the fundamentals of the business before you jump in. As we say, "Businesses don't plan to fail, they fail to plan." Foundations will give you all the essentials to plan a successful LBE.
Learn more and register at