One of our articles posted on our Web site is, "How Would You Like to Spend a Day Inside a Pinball Machine?" Originally published in June 1997, the article discusses another myth of entertainment center design, acoustics. No, LOUD and NOISY are not good!
of our Web site visitors from Canada recently e-mailed us the following:
"I was reading your article about sound and decibel levels in FECs. My child recently went to Fantasy Fair in Woodbine Mall in Toronto, where they have these ball shooters that make a huge BANG BANG sound. The sound was so loud that I believe it damaged my child's eardrums and he has been suffering severe headaches and mood-disorders ever since. That was 2 weeks ago!"
In this instance, not only has the facility lost a customer, but it has possibly injured a child, and for sure, this mom will spread a lot of negative Word-of-Mom about the facility. LOUD and NOISY: It's not good for business.
You can read our original article here.