purchasing power of families with children often doesn't get the attention
it deserves, because families with children are now a minority of all households
at only 31%. However, in many expenditure categories, families with children
far outspend other types of households. One of those areas is restaurant spending.
Families with children account for 37% of all lunch and dinner restaurant
expenditures. In the quick-service, buffet, take-out and delivery category
only, they account for 43% of all lunch and dinner expenditures. That is a
large market, over $28 billion in restaurant sales. It's no wonder so
many restaurant chains are now recognizing the importance of the family-with-children
market and are developing menus and programs to attract this important market
segment. Years ago, some major players in the quick-service segment, such
as McDonald's and Burger King, recognized the significance
of this market to their success by making major investments in play facilities
and creating kids' meals.
With the exception of Chuck E. Cheese's, Bullwinkle's Restaurant and Family Fun Centers and a few independent FECs, the LBE industry has been slow to comprehend the significant size of the family restaurant market and its potential in generating high repeat attendance by making LBEs restaurant destinations -- rather than just places to grab a snack.