Nov. 10, 2006, is the official opening date for the 37,000-square-foot StoneFire Pizza Co. family pizza buffet and entertainment center our company designed and produced in New Berlin, Wisconsin. We plan to have photos of the facility in future issues.
As part of our overall brand imaging for the business, we not only designed the facility, but also developed the name, the logo and the costumed mascot, Mel T. Designing a facility like StoneFire Pizza Co. requires a totally coordinated effort to assure a consistent brand image. It's really all about developing a brand, not just designing a facility. The brand not only includes the exterior and interior building design (known as the trade dress), but a logo that coordinates with the trade dress and conveys the look and feel of the business, including StoneFire's positioning as a new luxury offering. As for Mel T., a mascot also has to be fun for children and bring a smile to the face of parents.