"The Girl's Guide to Being a Boss (Without Being a Bitch)"
We are glad the location-based entertainment industry is getting away from its male-dominated roots, with more and more women managers, and even owners of their own start-up businesses. This new book, The Girl's Guide to Being a Boss (Without Being a Bitch), by Caitlin Friedman and Kimberley Yorio, is most timely. The following is from a review of the book in Publisher's Weekly.
"Since the early 1980s, studies have shown that the techniques utilized by successful men in leadership roles do not have the same effects when practiced by women in similar contexts. It is commonly known that when a woman behaves like her male counterpart, she is often negatively labeled as cold, tough, etc. In addition, women have fewer female role models to whom they can turn for advice and assistance. Authors Friedman and Yorio help readers through this dilemma by compiling personal anecdotes, pop culture references and an array of interviews with female leaders in various fields in an attempt to offer the support and encouragement women need to excel as leaders. The authors state that the patience, strength, wisdom, resourcefulness and nurturance that society cultivates in women might actually make females better managers than males. The book is filled with numerous examples of management styles as well as quizzes to determine if the reader is a ‘Good Witch' or a ‘Bad Bitch' with regard to her own leadership skills. Leaders of any gender will find solace in reading these stories from the trenches and may learn some new tips to improve on their own leadership skills as well.".