mid-August we had the opportunity to visit the new Adventure Play & Spray
addition we designed for Davis' Farmland in Sterling, Massachusetts that opened
the end of July. The addition has already proved itself a success. It has
not only diversified the children's edutainment offerings at Farmland, but
driven higher repeat visitations and greatly boosted attendance on hot days.
The children's spraypad portion of the project is reported to be the largest
spraypad in North America. It is so successful that the Davis have asked us
to immediately begin designing an expansion for next year.
Photos of the new Adventure Play & Spray addition can be found in the slide show at the bottom of the agritainment page on our web site at:
Randy White, our CEO, and Larry Davis from Farmland will be presenting a seminar at the Fun Expo Academy on adding water attractions to dry projects.
the same trip, we visited the Brunswick Naval Air Station RecMall in Brunswick,
Maine that we designed. This is the US Navy's first family entertainment center
type project (they prefer to call it a RecMall). It also features a children's
spraypad. Photos of it are now posted in the slide show on our MWR web page