With monikers like Green Hour and Playborhood, new resources are available to help educate families and caregivers on the vital importance of connecting young children with nature. Find out how easy it can be!
When centers change their outdoor environments to better reflect the natural world, part of the change process should include educating parents on the importance of connecting children to nature. This summer, the Children & Nature Network (C&NN) is launching a new initiative to help families engage in the growing nature movement. Their Nature Club for Families offers free, low-cost, family oriented activities. Visit the C&NN Web site, www.childrenandnature.org, to find out more.
The National Wildlife Federation has created another great resource, Green Hour, www.greenhour.org. It gives parents and caregivers the information, tools and inspiration to get their children and themselves outside. The site hosts a supportive virtual community where you can post outdoor experiences and locate the closest natural area by entering your ZIP code.
The last resource, Playborhood, playborhood.com, is an online community for parents who want their children to go outside and play. The site has great articles and a blog for shared experiences.