have been playing in sand for many centuries. It is difficult to beat the
sensory experience that young children get from being immersed in sand play.
Here are some considerations to keep in mind for sand play on your play yard:
Some parents are opposed to the use of sand since it might be difficult to remove the sand from children whose hair might be braided or if pom-aid is used to help in the braiding. Sometimes a shower cap can be utilized to protect the hair. Other sensory experiences that can be provided outdoors in the place of sand might be pine cones, larger smooth rocks, leaves or with older children pea gravel. Pea gravel is not recommended for younger children as they will put it in their nose and ears.
Sand is usually sold by the cubic yard. To calculate the amount you need,
multiply the length (in feet) times the width (in feet) times the depth (in
feet). This will give you the number of cubic feet you need. For each 27 cubic
feet (or fraction thereof) you will need one cubic yard of sand. For examples,
a sand box that is seven feet wide, nine feet long and one foot deep would
be calculated: 7' x 9'=63 x 1'=63. 63 square feet divided
by 27=2.3 cu yds. One would need three cubic yards of sand. Depending on how
high the sides of your sand box are, you might have areas of sand, such as
in the middle, that are deeper than 12 inches. It is wise to order more sand
that you need since you might need to also replenish your indoor sand tables
at the same time.