Children's Garden, Maine
Visited an existing home-based child care center to provide consultation on moving the business to a new location. Technical assistance was provided on renovation, outdoor environments and budgeting for a new business operation. As you can see from the photo, this center has a beautiful, home-like environment.
Stargate Children's Academy, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Provided schematic design documents, suggested field trips and possible enrichment workshops for a children's academy to be housed inside the Dubai Stargate Theme Park. Spaces recommended include a digital lab, construction/Lego lab, art lab, pottery lab, cooking lab, planetarium lab and two flexible classrooms to be used for enrichment classes. The next step will include creating construction documents, designing school field trips, specifying equipment and assisting with procurement.
Sunlight Children's Advocacy & Rights Foundation, El Dorado, Kansas
Provided consultation to a team of community leaders and task force members planning a residential center for children who need temporary placement in this county. Topics of discussion included timeframes for planning, steps in the design process, how to choose an architectural firm, capital campaigns and strategic planning.
Kuwait City, Kuwait
Provided schematic design documents for a four-story building to house a children's play and discovery center similar to our just-completed project in Lake County, Indiana. Recommendations include a dinosaur dig, pretend house, pretend supermarket, children's cooking, art studios, construction lab, reading room, children's library, dress-up room, pretend pizza restaurant, pretend henna, infant/toddler room, train room, miniature play and a safety village for young children.