Why Choose White Hutchinson to Master Plan Your Play Yard Renovation?

Having a comprehensive master plan for the renovation and/or construction of your outdoor play space will ensure that you get your playground renovated and still meet your budget goals. Our master plans involve putting together a realistic budget that matches your goals for the children and staff in your center.
White Hutchinson is a good match for your project because:
- Our team has been master planning naturalized spaces for early childhood centers since 1996, longer than any other firm in the U.S.
- We have extensive background in universal design so your outdoor play space meets ADA rules for outdoor environments. This is an issue many firms don't really address.
- Our team can provide a complete set of construction documents for your outside play space. Most equipment manufacturers and some design companies are unable to provide this service.
- We provide a survey for all staff and parents in your program to ensure they have input into the creation of new outdoor space. We have learned these pieces are crucial to the success of the project.
- We are an independent firm, which means we have no affiliation with equipment suppliers or organizations that sells natural materials for your play space. We are an independent voice dedicated to helping you figure out what you need -- not what we need to sell you. We have many suppliers that provide discounts to our customers, so we can pass those savings directly to you.
- Our team has extensive experience in working with manufacturers to come up with custom materials for your space. This includes art easels, gravel boxes, climbing poles, water tables, dinosaur digs, raised garden beds, arbors, and much more.
- We can provide you with a realistic cost estimation for your project. If needed, it can be phased in over a several-year period.
- We will provide you with curriculum and staff training materials to assist staff in properly using the new space and caring for the plant materials.
- We will show you the resources needed to evaluate and certify your outdoor space.
You can see photos of the many outdoor playgrounds, gardens and naturalized spaces we have designed at www.whitehutchinson.com/children/playgroundexp.shtml.