"Children and Nature 2008: A Report on the Movement to Reconnect Children to the Natural World" was developed by the Children & Nature Network as a tool for those who care deeply about the importance of reconnecting children with nature.
The document begins with a "Brief History of the Movement," which outlines the national effort started by Richard Louv. He is the author of "Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder." The next section of this report, "The Importance of Children in Nature," makes a case for the positive benefits that children derive from contact with nature.
The last three sections address the direction of the movement and provides concrete materials and ideas for motivating parents and educators in a call to action. The full report can be downloaded at www.cnaturenet.org.
Another report, "C&NN Community Action Guide: Building the Children & Nature Movement from the Ground Up," is available at the same website.