When it comes to playground equipment, there is simply no such thing as "too safe." To ensure that the manufacturer of your playground piece has met all safety requirements, look for the IPEMA seal.
the interest of public playground safety, the International Play Equipment
Manufacturers Association, IPEMA, provides a third-party independent
laboratory validation that a playground manufacturer conforms to the American
Society for Testing and Materials F1487-98. In other words, the manufacturer
has met all safety requirements in creating your play piece. Look
for the IPEMA seal on the sales literature of your playground company.
If you are not sure that your playground company has certified equipment, check the IPEMA website at www.ipema.org/Products/default.aspx?Type=F1487.
You should also be looking for IPEMA certified ASTM F1292 on any playground surfacing that you are thinking of purchasing. Information on safety surfacing that is certified can be obtained on the same website.