the years our Children's Environments E-Newsletter has discussed
the issue of chemical exposure to young children in child care. The United
States clearly lags behind European countries when it comes to regulating
hazardous man-made chemicals and their exposure to young children. The
Children's Environmental Health Network is a national multi-disciplinary
organization whose mission is to protect the fetus and the child from
environmental health hazards and to promote a healthy environment.
The organization's website at www.cehn.org provides information on the Network, the issue of children's environmental health, and links to sources of information and resources in the field.
The group's publication, An Introduction to Children's Environmental Health, includes a discussion of why children are more vulnerable than adults to environmental exposure, what types of exposure affect children and which children are at particular risk. The article can be downloaded at www.cehn.org/cehn/Aboutceh.html
Another great resource on the topic of widespread chemical exposure and
children can be found in the E/Environmental Magazine at http://www.emagazine.com/view/?1074