I like to share with practitioners resources that I feel worthy of your training and resource library, so I would like to share with you my latest find. This nineteen-minute video called "Exploring the Natural World" can be used with teachers and parents as an introduction to why children need nature. The video explains the teacher's role in helping children understand nature, shows how teachers can model appropriate behavior towards the natural world and gives examples of different approaches to including nature in your curriculum. This resource was created for the First Nations and Inuit cultures of Canada, but can easily apply to all child care programs that want to help stimulate a child's curiosity and love of the outdoor world. The video comes with a short discussion guide to understanding and expanding the central messages in the video. This video is one of six in a training series called "Our Children, Our Ways" on early childhood education and is available for C$75 plus shipping from the Manitoba Child Care Association, 888-323-4676 or at www.mccahouse.org/resources.htm