children's access to the outdoors and the natural world becoming increasingly
limited or nonexistent, child care, kindergarten and schools, where children
spend 40 to 50 hours per week, may be mankind's last opportunity to
reconnect children with the natural world and create a future generation that
values and preserves nature. Many authorities believe the window of opportunity
for the formation of bonding with and positive attitudes towards the natural
environment develops sometime during early and middle childhood and requires
regular interaction with nearby nature. Some authorities believe that if children
don't develop a sense of respect and caring for the natural environment
during their first few years, they are at risk for never developing such attitudes."
This is an extract from our most recent article, "Young
Children's Relationship with Nature: Its Importance to Children's
Development & the Earth's Future", written by our CEO,
Randy White. The article was thoroughly
researched based upon the latest research findings and early childhood professionals'
writings from throughout the world. Every early childhood professional should
read this article to better understand not only the importance of regular
contact with nature to children's development, but the important role
that early child care and education facilities can play in giving children
places where they "can reclaim the magic that is their birthright, the
ability to grow and learn to their fullest in their unique experiential way
through the joy of exploration and discovery in the natural world."
Click here to read article.