Children’s Play and Discovery Center Cairo, Egypt - After completing focus group research with mothers and on-site cultural research, design work and construction documents are being prepared for a three floor children’s play and discovery center in Egypt. The center will be used for both play and children’s classes. Three naturalized play gardens are planned for the outdoor spaces including a rooftop garden that will be used for children’s birthday parties.
Audubon Area Head Start, Owensboro, KY - Provided technical assistance to the Head Start program located at Henderson Community College on renovating their outdoor playground into a natural playground. A meeting was held with both agencies to explore how to best create a new outdoor space that more closely matches the Reggio Emilia approach that they use indoors. Congratulations go to this program for being chosen one of the model Head Start programs in the country.
Feasibility Study New Child Care Center, Dallas, Texas - Completed a childcare market feasibility study for a new childcare center to be built in Dallas. The study included calculating worker and community demand for childcare services.
New Child Care Center, Texas - Provided on-site technical assistance to a client who plans to open a green child care center. Services provided include reading and evaluating the business plan, looking for site locations, and providing resources on how to start a childcare business.