Vicki Stoecklin, our Education and Child Development Director, has received training on the new nature curriculum, Growing Up Wild, Exploring Nature with Young Children, Ages 3-7. This curriculum builds on children’s sense of wonder and invites them to explore the world around them. The Growing Up Wild curriculum has connections to the Head Start Outcomes Framework and the NAEYC accreditation standards. Each activity in the book includes quick facts, an outline of the activity and home connections along with how to expand learning in other domains.
Vicki has also had the following training as it relates to designing naturalized spaces:
In the last 14 years, Vicki has received additional training from the American Montessori Association, the International Educational Facilities Planners, the National Head Start Association, the American Horticultural Association -- Children and Youth Gardens, the National Association of Child Care Professionals, Leadership Connections, the National Coalition of Campus Child Care Centers, the International Right to Play Association and the National Association for the Education of Young Children.