In Response to the Question: What Does White Hutchinson Do?

So what, exactly, does our company do for clients? To assist those planning and renovating childcare environments, we provide an expert team that handles every aspect of the project, from architectural plans to interior design to acoustics to horticulture and landscaping.

The White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group offers services to child care centers, preschools, Head Start, Early Head Start, child development and day care centers. All of our services, including design work and document preparation, are overseen by our Education and Child Development Director Vicki Stoecklin. In addition to Vicki we also have two senior architects, three junior architects, two interior designers, a landscape architect, an acoustic engineer and a horticulturalist as part of our design alliance.

Dave Williams, architect, and Vicki Stoecklin, Education and Child Development Director,
review architectural plans for a child care center.

We can provide the following services for you:

Facility Design Services:

  • Full service architectural and site design: new construction and remodels, preliminary design through complete construction documents
  • Outdoor playground design, including natural playgrounds and play gardens: new construction and renovations, preliminary design through complete construction documents and equipment specifications
  • Master planning and construction/renovation cost estimates
  • Consultations to childcare directors, Head Start directors and Early Head Start directors on facility design and equipment
  • Training on facility design for architects, interior designers, child care directors, Head Start directors and Early Head Start directors

Planning, Predevelopment and Development of Childcare Facility Services:

  • Technical assistance on the role of culture in child care
  • Preliminary plans and cost estimates
  • Performing child care market research and analysis
  • Feasibility studies for childcare, day care or preschool services
  • Developing program start-up budgets and financial projections
  • Facility and space planning

Technical Assistance and Training in Childcare Center Business and Financial Management:

  • Assistance in writing or reviewing business plans
  • Technical assistance or training on securing loans and grants
  • Creating child care center marketing plans
  • Writing child care center policies and procedures
  • Projecting operational costs, break-even analysis and profitability for a childcare center business

Call us to discuss the design of your building or playground renovation and/or new construction. We will be happy to be a resource for you -- and answers to your questions are free!