Planning For & Growing Shade
five long-term shade solutions
- Plant fast growing native species of shade trees on the south and west
sides of the areas you want to shade.
- Build shade structures to the west, south and above places where children
play daily, such as the climbing structure, sand play areas and water play
- Shade paved areas, which are the hottest and quickest to heat up, by planting
trees in holes cut in the pavement (make sure there is enough room for tree
roots to absorb water).
- Build shade features that appeal to a range of ages, groups and uses,
e.g. gazebos for group play, covered trellises, etc.
- Place trees to maximize shade, e.g. in a semi circle clustered around
high use play areas.
Top five short-term shade solutions are:
- Places benches, cut logs and sitting rocks under existing trees.
- Put up a shade canopy over high use areas.
- Start a "Slip! Slop! Slap!" sun safety program.
- Collect old umbrellas to hand out to children.
- Schedule the majority of outdoor time before 10 AM or after 3 PM.
When we design play gardens, we carefully research the plant materials for
the area where the garden will be built. We have designed play gardens throughout
the United States including in desert environments and one in a parking garage.
We can help you find creative shade solutions.