Just as space is needed indoors for all types of storage, space is needed near the outdoor play space for storage. Teachers cannot and should not be expected to have to carry equipment outdoors from indoor spaces or classrooms. Storage allows the program to accumulate resources that extend and elaborate children's play and that could not be stored outside alone. Outdoor storage can be achieved by constructing an interior storage area in or near the outdoor play area or by purchasing an outdoor storage shed. An outdoor storage shed conveniently located near the areas where equipment like riding trykes, sand toys, balls, hoops and other equipment will be used can assist in creating a more appropriate outdoor space. Either type of storage will require that the space be organized, labeled and easily accessible to both children and adults.
Space should also be considered for the storage of lawn equipment, watering hoses, and other equipment used in the maintenance of the outdoor space. Due to safety issues this storage space should be separate from the storage space for outdoor play props and equipment.