The 3 Most Effective Ways to Grow Your Agritourism Business

There are only five ways for an agritourism venue to grow its business. Unfortunately, most venues concentrate (and make the most significant investment of money and management energy) on the ways that offer the lowest return; what most miss are ways to grow their businesses with the customers they already have that will give the greatest return on investment and effort.

The most effective way to grow any business, based on return on effort and cost, is to stop defections or customers who don't return - also known as the leaky bucket. Customers don't return for numerous reasons, but most involve things a business can control. Most companies spend lots of money trying to attract new customers while the existing ones leak away.

The five ways to grow a business, revenues, and profits by increasing the degree of effort and cost and decreasing effectiveness are:

The first three, which focus on existing customers and their experiences when they visit, are the easiest to accomplish and give the highest return on effort and investment. The last two focus on attracting new guests and generate a much lower return, if any, especially for developing loyal repeat customers.

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