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Agritourism & Agritainment Project Experience

Our agritourism and agritainment feasibility, design and consulting experience includes working with the follow farms:

Downey's Farm Market, Ontario, Canada

Assisted this popular farm market and festival farm in suburbs of Toronto with all aspects of master planning to address immediate needs due to outgrowing their facilities and also to provide for future growth. Areas of work included redesign of animal area, location of different drink and food concessions, redevelopment of large barn as new central kitchen and food facility, relocation and expansion of parking areas, development of larger courtyard for the farm market, menu offerings and pricing, market customer flow and reduction of SKUs, and redevelopment of bakery and food area to include homemade chocolate and ice cream.


Bloomsdale Fun Farm, Bloomsdale, Missouri

Assisted this agritourism farm with all aspects of master planning for growth including layout of food concession area, location of new u-pick lavender fields, location of new attractions, new safer hayride route, renovation of train cabooses for birthday parties.


Mother Nature's Farm, Gilbert, Arizona

This 45-acre farm has become completely surrounded by development in the town of Gilbert, a southeast suburban area of Phoenix, Arizona. Having outgrown its existing facilities, Mother Nature's Farm retained the White Hutchinson in the summer of 2006 to develop a feasibility study and new master plan that includes a children's discovery farm, a farm restaurant, a farm market and seasonal/harvest festival event area and to process a special use zoning approval with the town of Gilbert for the new development plan. White Hutchinson was again retained in 2023 to assist this popular agritourism farm with master planning for growth, improvements to its website and menu refinement and pricing.


Pingle's Farm Market, Ontario, Canada

This popular farm market, pick-your-own, and festival farm was outgrowing some of its facilities. We assisted them with designing a master plan for growth including enlargement, layout, and seasonal zoning of festival grounds, new parking areas, customer traffic flow, location of food concessions, location and design of new barn for animal petting area, potential expansion of farm market, and location and general sizing for indoor multi-purpose area that can accommodate group business.

website: pinglesfarmmarket.comin

Clovermead Adventure Farm, Ontario, Canada

Assisting this popular agritourism farm with designing parking expansion, traffic flow and additional attractions and food and beverage facilities.

Bishop's Orchard Farm Market, Guilford, CT

Working with this highly successful farm market and u-pick agritourism farm on market layout and expansion, development of the adjoining Red Barn area for small festivals and special events, and development of a meeting venue and cider and wine tasting facility.

Brown and Brown Farms & Country Market, Oxford, FL

Designing a master plan for redevelopment of approximately 80 acres adjoining the country market for additional agritourism including festival grounds, u-pick fields, hayrides, new Junk in the Truck grounds, and common parking. Also working on expansion and design of the country store and additional parking for it.

Williamson Family Farm, Murfreesboro, TN

Williamson Family Farm is a 243-acre farm on the edge of Murfreesboro right off the I-24 interchange. For the last five years part of it has operated as The Grove, a wedding and corporate event venue. The farm also offered u-pick blueberries and blackberries. The farm's owners took over the operation of farm from its previous operator last year. We are working with them on multi-million dollar upgrades and renovations to The Grove, the development of public event festival grounds, and significant expansion of the farm's agriculture to include regenerative organic agriculture.

Randy White, our CEO,
at Williamson Family Farm

At The Grove, our design work includes upgrades to the two barns, including additions for catering and buffets; two bridal suites; two multi-use groom or breakout rooms; total remodel of the kitchen to accommodate the production of baked goods and ice cream, u-pick cooking lessons and in kitchen farm-to-table dinners; remodel of the farmhouse as offices; a new B&B with two units, one that can be a honeymoon suite; a large new storage barn; and site improvements including paved parking and an entrance structure.

The public event festival grounds will include a central kitchen and many food stands, an admission's building, a store, renovation of an old barn as an animal barn, public restrooms, a private group area with a pavilion, many attractions and a 1,750 seat amphitheater.

Overview of The Grove when completed

New entry structure for The Grove
New bridal suite

Main barn and new bridal suite

Kitchen and new back porch

Loafing barn

Groom's suite & meeting breakout room

New B&B

Living area in B&B honeymoon suite

We are also working on a total master plan for the entire 243 acres that will include multiple certified regenerative organic crops, animal areas, and hands-on learning and educational opportunities for visitors.

A significant challenge for an agritourism operation of this size and complexity is management. We're working with one of our alliance colleagues on setting up total management and marketing for the farm, including the sales staff, facility maintenance, and the farm's agricultural operations, including hiring the staff.

Patterson Farm Market & Tours, Mount Ulla, NC

Worked with this established farm market on enhancing their homemade ice cream presentation as a destination product, improvements to the layout and entrance to the farm market, and food and beverage additions and improvements to the safety of hayrides at their festival grounds.

Dell'Osso Family Farm, Lathrop, CA

Evaluated feasibility for the addition of a brew-pub. Advised against it and instead developed a redevelopment concept for an existing portion of their Fall festival grounds to allow the farm to achieve many of the same objectives of offering almost year-round events and offerings rather than only the current Fall activities.

Mellano Farm Stand, Oceanside, CA

Working with this 300-acre organic flower farm to expand their farm market and develop year-round festival grounds and other offerings. Prepared pro forma projections for the expansion.

Choice Farm Market, Webberville, MI

Working with this new farm market on the development of a master plan to incorporate other agritourism activities.

Antioch Urban Growers, Kansas City, MO

Working with Antioch Urban Growers in Kansas City to develop a master plan to expand their facility and offerings. They are currently growing healthy, organic, non-GMO fruits and vegetables and working on growing healthy, confident communities of people through demonstration and education.

Their slogan is "Taking over the world one back yard at a time"! They're working to see urban farms dotting every Kansas City neighborhood, empowering people to grow their own food and explore how to be sustainable.

Von Bergen's Country Market, Hebron, IL

Consulting with this farm market and agritainment venue on development of a master plan for expansion with greenhouses, a new farm market location and other additions.

Faithful Family Farms, Adair, OK

Consulted on master plan including required parking, entry/existing ticketing, retail store, hayride route and location of various attractions and food stands.

Faulkner's Ranch, Kansas City MO

Worked with this year-round private event venue and Fall festival farm on the development of a master plan to incorporate added acreage. Also advised on traffic flow issues, food stand locations and queuing and new entry/exit ticketing.

Red Berry Farm, Sherwood (Portland), OR

Consulted on growing their business including expanded product line in bakery, retail store merchandising, redesign of kitchen to become exhibition kitchen, brand messaging, target marketing, development of LTOs, website design, pricing and improvements to outdoor play area.

Oregon Dairy, Lititz (Harrisburg), PA

Consulted on relocation and design of their festival and fall event grounds and growing their business.

Garden of Eve Organic Farm & Market, Riverhead, NY

Consulted with this agritourism destination that includes u-pick, CSA, a farm market, garden center and farm cafe on a master plan for growth and other recommendations to grow the business.

Jackson Family Farm, Meridian, ID

Conducted feasibility on possible relocation to a new site and advised on ways to grow the business.

Pot-Luck Greenhouse and Corn Maze, Willington, OH

Advised on master plan for growth, new business opportunities, brand identity and ways to grow the business

Jaemor Farms, Alto, GA

Consulted with this peach and produce orchard, farm market, festival, special event and corn maze/pumpkin patch agritourism farm on a master plan and ways to grow the business

Dickey Farms, Musella, GA

This large peach farm is a major agritourism destination with a farm market and general store, u-pick peaches and strawberries and offers tours and field trips. Have consulted with them on numerous times since 2017 on master planning, store product mix, store design and expansion, and recently design of a new area of the farm for a Fall corn maze and attractions and u-pick fields.

Summers Farm, Frederick, MD

Developed a master plan for relocation of the agritainment corn maze and fall festival to a new property.


Piney Woods Farm, LaGrange, GA

We are working with this philanthropic farm to develop agritourism experiences to generate income to support their mission of growing and supplying free organic vegetables and fruits to food pantries and the needy in the community. Offerings will include activities and festivals centering around their lavender fields, farm dinners, enrichment classes, intimate barn concerts, group events and birthday parties. They also plan to serve as an retail outlet to incubate the development of at-home entrepreneurial businesses for stay-at-home parents and seniors.

Davis Mega Farm Festival, Sterling, MA

We have been working with the Davis at their Davis Farmland Discovery Farm and their Mega Maze since 1994. Over the years additional farms in their area opened pumpkin patches and corn mazes. As a result their Mega Maze was losing its uniqueness. So in 2017 we worked with them to rebrand and reposition the seven-week fall event as Davis Mega Farm Festival, a beer, wine and food festival with live music plus the corn maze and other agritainment attractions. Since then we have worked with them to expand the menu offerings and attractions.

Harbes Family Farms, Mattituck, Jamesport & Riverhead, NY

These three very popular agritourism farms on Long Island feature u-pick apple orchards, farm markets, a winery and agritainment attractions. We worked with them on many aspects of growing their business including layout, traffic flow, safety, new attractions. food and beverage, pricing and branding.

Johnson Farm Plants & Pumpkins, Belton, MO

Working with this established farm destination on master planning for growth, increasing per capita food and beverage and overall revenues and transitioning parts of their business from selling commodity products to selling more profitable experiences.

Kuipers Family Farm, Maple Grove, IL

Worked with the owners of this popular u-pick apple orchard, farm store, wedding and function facililty and fall pumpkin farm on growing their business, including the following areas:

  • Raising visits to the 4th level of economic value - experiences
  • Improving per capita food and beverage revenues
  • Marketing, including website design and social media
  • Product and food mix in their two retail stores
  • In-store merchandising and marketing
  • Adding a hard cider, beer and wine area to the pumpkin farm
  • Improved hayride safety

Southern Belle Farms, McDonough, Georgia

Have worked with this farm market, festival and large produce farm featuring u-pick strawberries, peaches, blackberries, blueberries, and grapes since 2015 on all aspects of planning the farm and its facilities and growing the business. Recently developed on a new floor plan for the farm market that greatly expands product display space and a new layout for their strawberry-shortcake and ice cream area to increase its through-put and labor efficiency.

Washington Farms, Atkins-Watkinsville, Georgia

Developed a new master plan for this u-pick and fall agritainment farm that addressed increased parking, gated entry to u-pick fields, new entrance to agritainment that eliminated hayride transportation from the parking and developed a new safe hay wagon ride route and loading. Also advised on food offerings and locations, menu prices and work flow in food kitchens.

Lewis Farm Market, New Era, Michigan

Worked on master planning to accommodate its growing business and consulted on growing both their farm market and fall agritainment businesses and pricing strategies for their fall activities.

Dewberry Farm, Brookshire TX

Conducted consultation on solutions for long queues, hayride safety, layout changes and changed pricing formula for admissions and events.

Love Farm, Maysville, GA

Working with client on feasibility and design for a goat creamery and agritourism destination.

Maynard Dairy, Meza, AZ

Consulted with client on market feasibility and development of a goat dairy based culinary agritourism destination.

Jacobs Farm, Traverse City, MI

Conducted market feasibility and consulted on growing the existing u-pick and corn maze businesses. Working on feasibility and concept plan for renovation of the existing barn complex into a culinary agritourism destination with a sheep creamery and cheese making facility and a culinary farm market and cafe featuring sheep cheese, sheep milk gelato and local farm-based products.

Tuttle Orchards, Greenfield IN

Located in the eastern Indianapolis metro area, the Tuttle Orchard farm has been in the family since the late 1880s. Today it consists of a popular farm store (the original dairy barn built in 1885), u-pick orchard, cider making and fall agritainment activities. Tuttle Orchards is where Roy Tuttle developed and patented the Stark Supreme Staymen Winesap apple. Today the majority of Winesap apples grown in the U.S. are Tuttle's patented strain.

Over the years the business has grown to the point where it has outgrown the physical facility. White Hutchinson has been retained to develop a phased master expansion plan and economic feasibility that will in addition to handling the growing peak fall business, will also grow the business during the other parts of the year.

Muskogee, Oklahoma

White Hutchinson, working with its alliance partner The Chesapeake Group, was selected by the City of Muskogee Parks & Recreation Department to undertake a market and economic development feasibility study for expanded development on the 300-acre former Hatbox airfield property in Muskogee, OK. The study is examining new recreational, entertainment, agritainment, agritourism and other possible tourism facilities that will be synergistic with the Love-Hatbox Sports Complex and River Country Waterpark currently located on the property. Adaptive reuse of the airfield's buildings is also being evaluated.

Hellerick's Family Farm, Doylestown, PA

After going through a three-year struggle to obtain a special use permit to continue their agritainment operation in the Buck's County area outside of Philiadelphia, we have been retained to design a 5-year master plan for the agritainment business' expansion that will include the addition of a permanent farm market and a children's discovery farm.

Farm Market & Apple Orchard, SE Nebraska

Assisted potential buyer of an existing farm store and apple orchard with evaluation of the existing business and its potential market and developed concepts on how to grow the business with experiential retail, a destination farm restaurant and agritainment activities.

Corn Dawgs, Loganville, Georgia

Assisting this new agritainment farm with feasibility and master planning for growth, including developing revenue streams for year round operation.

Richardson Farm Experience, Spring Grove, Illinois

In 2001, The Richardson Farm opened their first corn maze, which ended up being the world's largest. Since then, they have continued to retain the tradition of the world's largest maze, as well as grown their agritainment business for both fall and u-pick Christmas trees. Having outgrown their existing property, they are planning to relocate in several years to adjoining property that will include a large 40-acre lake. White Hutchinson assisted them with rebranding their entire 200-acre future complex as the Richardson Farm Experience and their fall maze and activities as Richardson Adventure Farm, general consulting on pricing, food and beverage and operations, and master planning their relocation to the new property.

Gary's Berries Fall Festival & FrightMare Farms, Grantville, Kansas

Assisted this agritainment farm with a market study, master planning for expansion, strategies to grow the business, traffic flow issues, improvements to food and beverage sales and profitability, admission pricing, staffing, uniforms and many other issues.

Center Grove Orchards, Cambridge, Iowa

Worked with the owners of this u-pick orchard, farm store and fall agritainment Farmyard area on improved customer traffic flows, new admission pricing formula, improved hay wagon ride route and loading, logisitics for check-out of u-pick pumpkins, added attractions, improved food and beverage sales and a general scheme for growth and expansion.

Carolyn's Country Cousins Pumpkin Patch - Liberty, Missouri

Carolyn's Country Cousins Pumpkin Patch in Liberty, Missouri operates a very successful school field trip and family fall festival on their 5,000-acre farm. We will be assisting them with an evaluation of their operations and facility and modifications to improve traffic flow, throughput, safety, increased food and beverage sales and the overall guest experience.

Westview Orchard & Cider Mill, Romeo, Michigan

Spanning 188 acres, Westview Orchards & Cider Mill is the result of 6 generations of family dedication. Dating back to 1813, Westview Orchards began as a small garden and orchard, established by Michael Bowerman shortly after his service in the War of 1812.

In 1981, the three women of Westview - Katherine and her daughters Abigail and Katrina (6th generation) took over operation of the farm and have developed it into a major Detroit area family agritainment destination, a place where old-fashioned values and fun are still part of the traditions. Many newspaper articles have referred to the women of Westview Orchards as the women of the 90's and now the new millennium - women succeeding in the predominantly man's world of farming. However, they are more than liberated women, displaying the spirit of their ancestors, those early pioneers whose determination and courage built the Westview Orchards to what it is today. (Learn more about Westview's history)

Customers can stock up on homegrown fruits and vegetables from the farm market, sample fresh apple cider from the state-of-the-art cider mill, enjoy homemade confections in K's Kitchen Bakery, visit and pet the farm animals, challenge yourself in the 5-acre corn maze, feel like a kid again in the Kidz Korner, pick apples or pumpkins or sit back and enjoy a cozy wagon ride through the picturesque orchards.

Westview Farms retained White Hutchinson in the fall of 2006 to assist them with developing a master plan to accommodate their continued growth.

Walters' Pumpkin Patch, Burns, Kansas

Worked with owners on designing new traffic flows, adjusting prices, and planning for expansion.

Cherry Crest Adventure Farm, Pennsylvania Dutch Country, Rohn, PA

Cherry Crest Adventure Farm had its beginning in the late 1600s when the Ferree family immigrated to the United States. The original 1,000-acre family farm was subdivided a number of times among family members, with the existing 112-acre farm under the ownership of Cornelius Ferree, a well-known maker of Conestoga wagons. The farm became a stopover for early travelers heading west from Philadelphia to the Indian outpost in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. They would stop at the farm to have their wagons repaired and to replenish their supplies.

The existing Cherry-Crest stone farmhouse and barn were built in 1774 using limestone from the property.

Jack and Donna Coleman are the current owners ofCherry Crest Adventure Farm. They purchased the farm in 1987. Up until 2003, it was primarily a dairy farm. However, the high cost of milk production and low wholesale price forced them to sell their dairy herd and switch their farm operations to raising dairy heifers and 250,000 chicken broilers a year for Tyson Foods.

The Colemans moved into agritainment (also called agri-tourism) to supplement their regular farm income in 1996 when they opened their first The Amazing Maize Maze. The first year's corn maze theme was a locomotive, in honor of the Strasburg Rail Road, America's oldest operating short-line railroad that runs right through the farm. The maze theme changes each year. This year's theme was "Giddy Up and Get Lost," featuring the Conestoga wagon.

Over the past nine years, the agritainment area has grown not only to include a 5-acre maze, but many additional family attractions including a petting zoo, hayrides and farm tours, U-pick pumpkins and popcorn, a giant hay chute slide, pumpkin sling-shots, rope logic maze, straw bale logic maze, hay bale tunnel maze, peddle go-karts, gift shop and a concession area. The entire agritainment area now encompasses 10 acres. The operating season is July 3 until Halloween, Oct. 31.

We will be working withCherry Crest Adventure Farmto develop a new master plan that expands the attractions, enhances per capita sales, and allows the owners to extend their season with a children's discovery play farm(sm) that can operate as an independent stand-alone attraction from spring into the fall. We will also be working on pricing issues, including food profitability.

Cherry Crest Adventure Farm website.

Boone Hall Plantation, Charleston, South Carolina

Boone Hall Plantation dates from a series of land grants going back to from 1681 and was originally part of a plantation that covered over 17,000 acres (26 square miles). Many of its buildings are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Boone Hall Plantation is unique as it is the only remaining Low Country plantation that remains commercially productive. It has been continuously growing and producing crops for over 320 years and was once known for cotton and as the world's largest producer of pecans. Today it offers a Farm's Market and U-Pick fields filled with peaches, strawberries, tomatoes and pumpkins. Boone Hall Plantation has the only "slave street" still intact in the Southeast with nine brick slave cabins, circa 1790-1810.

Huge Spanish live oak trees, planted over 250 years ago, line the half-mile entrance to the plantation, which was the model for the grounds of Tara in Gone With the Wind. Boone Hall Plantation's cotton-gin house was used in the made-for-television movies North and South.

The private owners of Boone Hall Plantation have retained the White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group to evaluate feasibility and recommend additional agritainment (agri-tourism) attractions, activities and programs that can be incorporated into its operating farm.

Boone Hall Plantation website.

Johnson's Corner Farm, Medford, New Jersey

One of our newer agritainment client is this Medford, New Jersey farm located in the eastern suburbs of Philadelphia. Johnson's Corner Farm currently includes a store featuring fresh farm produce, a bakery, country kitchen, and ice cream; greenhouses; a children's animal area and picnicking tents. The farm is a popular destination for school field trips and families for its hayrides to its wide variety of u-pick-it produce fields.

Johnson's has retained White Hutchinson to:

  • conduct a market feasibility study on adding children's edutainment events,
  • evaluate the entire business and recommend changes to even out monthly sales and improve revenues and profitability,
  • recommend management and operational improvements, and
  • develop a master plan for renovations and expansion.

Johnson's Corner Farm website.

Johnson's Corner Farm
Johnson's Corner Farm

Brown's Berry Patch, Waterport, New York

In 2004, Brown's Berry Patch celebrated 200 years of growing fruit, fun and memories in Western New York. In 1804, Bathshua Brown settled her five sons and seven daughters along the Oak Orchard River that leads to Lake Ontario. Since then the family and farm history has included capturing a British officer during the War of 1812 and adapting to two centuries of agricultural changes. The farm operation has included apples, quince, and cherries for wholesale. At one time, the Brown's were said to have the largest quince orchard in the world. Learn more about the family and farm history.

In 1984 the family started a farm market called Brown's Berry Patch which has become a regional agritourism attraction. Visitors experience the farm by picking their own berries, apples, and pumpkins, shopping in the farm market and country gift shop, enjoying treats from their ice cream, deli and bakery shop, and watching their children play in the Barnyard Adventurse. Today, more than 50% of Brown's income is derived from the agritainment facilities.

WHLLG has been continuously working with Brown's since 1998 evaluating feasibility and assisting in the design and expansion of their admissions, farm-themed, children's play area named BarnYard Adventures. The area was designed to meet ADA accessibility requirements for adults and children and playground safety standards. Our work has also included working with Brown's on the development of their birthday party program, enhancements and improvements to the Farm Grill and ice cream shop and pricing strategies.

Brown's Berry Patch website.

Johnson's Corner Farm
Brown's Berry Patch

Davis' Farmland, Sterling, Massachusetts

In 1994, the White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group was retained by the Davis family in Sterling, Massachusetts to help them relocate and expand a small petting zoo they had started several years before on their dairy farm. We conducted a market feasibility study, including guest surveys that showed adequate demand for a major facility. We then worked with the Davis' to develop a master design plan for development of a "children's discovery farm" with an expanded mix of attractions targeted to families with toddlers to eight year-olds. The new facility was built across the road and named "Davis Farmland, a Family Farm Adventure." Every year since, the Davis' have retained us to visit and evaluate their operation and recommend improvements and added attractions. The facility, operation, and attendance have grown each year, with revenues almost quadrupling in the last three years. When Larry Davis was recently asked about our company's services, he said:

"Thanks again for your visit. Once again, unbelievably amazed at your prowess in this industry, your ability to always be on top of it, and the way you conform your knowledge to best suit your client and their facility."

On July 24, 2002, Davis' Farmland opened a new Adventure Play & Spray addition that includes North America's largest non-waterpark children's sprayground as part of a major $2.0 million expansion. The expansion was designed by White Hutchinson based upon market and economic feasibility studies conducted in early 2001.

Adventure Play & Spray features two spraypads, one for toddlers and one for children 3-8 years old. The spraypads cover approximately 8,000 square feet and feature every kind of water spray and play imaginable, from ground bubblers and misters to a pretend car wash, to water trays and even a water tower geyser. Other areas of the Adventure Play & Spray addition have children's dry play including:

  • boulder and log climbing,
  • a prehistoric dinosaur dig with immersion bamboo landscaping,
  • woven huts in a grasslands,
  • 'Moo Works'--a sand play piece of equipment themed to look like a Guernsey cow,
  • a 2-D maze,
  • climbing equipment for toddlers, 2-5's and 5-8's and
  • a pedal go-kart track through a pine forest.

The Adventure Play & Spray area also includes a new 3,500 square foot guest service building with the Udder Herd Rock Calfé, restrooms, family restrooms and family changing/shower rooms.

Other parts of the renovation and expansion to Farmland included a new enclosed admissions area, a new management office and a new state-of-the art admissions, inventory, financial and management information system. WHLLG designed all the improvements and assisted Farmland with setting up a new management structure, management systems, policies and procedures and pricing.

FamilyFun magazine's FamilyFun Vacation Guide: New England, published by Disney Publishing Worldwide, rated Davis' Farmland as a must-see destination for families.Farmland was awarded the Editor's Pick for Kids three consecutive years by The Yankee Magazine Travel Guide to New England, a family favorite by the Boston Parent's Paper and Landmark and best day trip for children by the Rhode Island Parent's Paper. You can check out Davis' Farmland at

Vala's Pumpkin Patch, Gretna, Nebraska

Vala's is considered one of North American's most successful Halloween agritainment attractions. Each fall, over just a five-week period, hundreds of thousands of customers come to enjoy over 40 fun activities, food and retail stands and show venues.

Vala's has retained the White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group for overall evaluation and assistance with master planning.

Vala's Pumpkin Patch website.

Great Country Farms, Bluemont, Virginia

Analyzed market, adjusted admission pricing concepts, developed new traffic flows for customers, parking, hay wagon loading and travel path, and reviewed areas and activities for growth.

Belvedere Plantation, Fredericksburg, Virginia

Belvedere is a 245 year-old farm of approximately 1000 acres. The Fulks family purchased the property in 1968 and took it from conventional farming to:

  • sustainable biological/organic farming with grain crops including corn, wheat and soybeans, and
  • agritainment and direct marketing including pick-your-own and ready-picked, a Spring home and garden festival, The Great Pumpkin Patch, educational programs for school children, The Great Adventure Maze and a wide variety of group events & outings.

Belvedere Plantation has retained the White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group to assist them with expansion programs and layouts and long term planning.

Belvedere Plantation website.

Lyman Orchards, Middlefield, Connecticut

This ninth-generation, 1000-acre, 35,000 tree orchard includes 2 18-hole professional golf courses; the Apple Barrel Market, home of the Hi-Top Apple Pie, voted Connecticut's best; a corn maze, the Homestead and a vast variety of pick-your-own fruits. White Hutchinson is working with Lyman Orchards on developing a new branding market strategy and positioning and preparation of a master plan to expand their facility to include children's agritainment attractions, an expansion of the Apple Barrel Market to include a Hi-Top Apple Pie 'brand museum' pie factory, enhancements for group business and enhancing the value of all experiences by telling the story of their brand.

Lyman Orchards website.

Jonamac Orchard, Malta, Illinois

Assisting this 23-year-old orchard, farm store, pick-your-own and fall festival agritainment facility with strategic planning to become less dependent on orchard produce and generate more income from agritainment attractions.

Jonamac Orchard website.

Additional resources: