Published Articles on Child Care and Children's Learning & Play Environments
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Articles by Randy White and Vicki L. Stoecklin
- Children's Outdoor Play
& Learning Environments: Returning to Nature, Early Childhood News,
March/April 1997
- Creating Outdoor Play and Learning Environments, IPA, USA Newsletter,
Issue No. 50, November 1997.
- Designing Quality Facilities,
Newsbreak Region IV, Head Start, Chapel Hill, NC, February 1998.
- Designing Quality Child Care Facilities, Head Start Zero to Three
Web Site @ <>
- Multi-Cultural Dimensions of
a Children's Play & Discovery Center in Arabia.
- A Children's Play Center in
- The Great 35 Square
Foot Myth
- Nurturing Children's Biophilia: Developmentally Appropriate Environmental Education for Young Children

Articles by Vicki L. Stoecklin, Education & Child Development Director
- Day Care for All Children, Nancy Gaumer, (et al), Springfield, IL:
Office of Child Development, Department of Children and Family Services,
edited 1990.
- Report on Child Day Care, Springfield, IL: Office of Child Development,
Department of Children and Family Services, 1991.
- Advocating for Young Children with Disabilities, Quarterly Resource,
Vol. 8, No. 3, Champaign, IL: Great Lakes Resource Access Project, University
of Illinois, Department of Special Education, 1994.
- Inclusion Solution: Staff Training Game to Explore the Inclusion of
Children with Disabilities in Illinois, Champaign, IL: Great Lakes Resource
Access Project, University of Illinois, Department of Special Education,
- Leadership Training to Support Day Care for All Children, Champaign,
IL: University of Illinois, Department of Special Education, co-authored
- School-Age Child Care: Technical Assistance Papers, Numbers 1-7. ERIC
299 018.
- School-Age Child Care: Technical Assistance Papers, Kentucky, Numbers
- School-Age Child Care: Meeting Developmental Needs - Video - University
of Illinois Film Center, X00096.
- School-Age Child Care: Caring Enough - Video - University of Illinois
Film Center, X00095.
- The Nine-and-Under Niche, FEC Management, IAFEC, September/October
- Understaing the Design
Process for Outdoor Play and Learning Environments, 1998
- Designing For All
Children, 1999
- Creating Playgrounds
Kids Love
- The Role of
Culture in Designing Child Care Facilities
- Developmentally Appropriate
Gardening for Young Children
- Creating Environments That Sustain Children, Staff and Our Planet,
Child Care Information Exchange, July/August 2005.
- Creating Outdoor Spaces Kids Love, Professional Connections, National
Association of Child Care Professionals, Volume 8, Issue42, 2005.
- Creating
Environments That Sustain Children, Staff, and Our Planet

- Connecting School Age Children To the Natural World: Nurturing our Future Earth Stewards, School-Age NOTES, Vol. XXVII #6, February 2007
- Making Mindful Choices for Both Children and Mother Earth - published in Earlychildhood News.
- Gardening with Children: My Summers at Beanstalk Children's Garden - published in the 2009 March/April edition of Child Care Information Exchange

- Suggestions for Healthy Environmental Choices for Children - November 2009

- Creating Healthy, Sustainable Infant and Toddler Environments

Articles by Randy White, CEO
- When It Comes to Children's Play, Simplify, Simply, Simplify, Tourist
Attractions & Parks, April/May 1995, Vol 25, No 2.
- Children's Edutainment Centers: Learning Through Play, IPA Newsletter,
IPA/USA American Association for the Child's Right To Play, Issue No 43,
February 1996.
- Children's Edutainment Centers and Play Gardens, Sproutage, Sprout Scouts,
Vol 6, Issue 1, May 1996.
- Children's Edutainment Centers: Learning Through Play--Part I, Intercross,
Japan, Issue 168, June 1996 (in Japanese).
- Children's Edutainment Centers: Learning Through Play--Part II, Intercross,
Japan, Issue 169, July 1996 (in Japanese).
- After-School Daze, FEC Management,
IAFEC, July/August 1997.
- Adventure Play Gardens: Sometimes,
You Just Gotta Make Mud Pies, Tourist Attractions & Parks, September/October
1997, Vol 27, No 5.
- Not Mere Child's Play, Athletic Business,
May 1998.
- Moving from Biophobia to
Biophilia: Developmentally Appropriate Environmental Education for Children.
- Nature Buffers Children's
Life Stress.
- Interaction with Nature during
the Middle Years: Its Importance in Children's Development & Nature's

- Benefits of Nature for Children.
- Young Children's Relationship
with Nature: Its Importance to Children's Development & the Earth's
- Adults are from Earth; Children
are from the Moon: Designing for Children: A Complex Challenge
- The Impact of Density and the
Definition and Ratio of Activity Centers on Children in Childcare Classrooms
Other Resources
- Recommended Resources for the Outdoor Learning Environments from the North Carolina Outdoor Learning Environment Alliance (PDF file).
- The Kids Garden - This UK-based website introduces you to the wonders of nature through gardening. A great resource for articles for both parents and teachers.