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Tag Archives: trend
Update on location-based entertainment spending trend
Our company has been tracking the long-term trend in location-based entertainment spending that has shown a decline started around the turn of the century. We now have new, more current data thru June 2014 . . . Continue reading
Be an LBE disrupter before you get disrupted
The LBE formulas of just a few years past are no longer future proof. Be a disrupter before you get disrupted, because that disruption is already underway. Continue reading
Travel spending on entertainment & dining takes a staycation nosedive
The U.S. Commerce Department has reported that spending on travel and tourism during the 1st quarter of 2014 decreased at an annual rate of 1.0%. However, spending on recreation and entertainment turned down dramatically . . . Continue reading
More Evidence of the Digital Disruption of Location-Based Entertainment & Culture
So here’s what is so scary for location-based entertainment, sporting events and cultural venues, the vast majority of which are seeing a long-term trend of declining attendance. The use of mobile devices that can be used anywhere 24/7 continues to grow, and the majority of that growing screen time is being used to engage in entertainment . . . Continue reading
More Evidence of the Staycation Trend
Our February 2013 Leisure eNewsletter featured an article, Evidence that the staycation trend is both real and long-term. In that article, we examined household entertainment participation and spending on trips and found that since the year 2000, overall participation has … Continue reading
2002-2011 Changes to Household Location-Based Entertainment Spending
The world of entertainment is evolving and toppling old models. . . The changing landscape of entertainment is having an adverse impact on location-based (bricks ‘n’ mortar) entertainment. Continue reading
Out-of-home entertainment spending continues to decrease
Decreases in out-of-home entertainment spending since the start of the recession are only part of a longer term trend. Continue reading
Video Games Taking Share from Out-of-Town Entertainment Spending
Analysis shows a definite trend of entertainment spending shifting from out-of-home entertainment venues to video games and software. Continue reading
Per person restaurant expenditure trend
The 20-year trend of per person restaurant expenditures is very similar to the trend of household expenditures Continue reading
Are restaurants reaching equilibrium of supply and demand?
Restaurant expenditures are on a long-term decline versus reports to the contrary. However, the population per restaurant is on the increase. Continue reading