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- What they fail to explain about vaccines, Delta, and masks September 13, 2021
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Category Archives: Social media
Mother Facebookers high in FoMO
Now along comes some data that indicates that FoMO may be strongest among mothers with children under 18. . . Continue reading
The intersection of personal digital technology & bricks-and-mortar entertainment
The Triple Revolution of the Internet, social media and the always-on-connectivity of now ubiquitous mobile devices is disrupting the entertainment venue industry in ways and at a speed that most in industry fail to recognize . . . Continue reading
Smartphones are making TV tougher competition than ever
Now we have the synergistic combination of two digital screens merging to become more powerful and attractive than either alone. Disruptive digital at-home entertainment competition continues to ramp up its game. Continue reading
No need to socialize, as that’s what smartphones are for
It is becoming increasing clear that digital technology is shifting our social interaction with each other from taking place in the real world to taking place in the digital world and consequently . . . Continue reading
Are High School Seniors Using Less Media Than We Think?
It appears that high school students spend a lot less time watching TV, on social media or playing video games than many reports would have us believe. Continue reading