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White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group

White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, Kansas City, MO, USA

Adding Entertainment & Children's Play To Other Facilities

In their recent book, "The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business A Stage", Joseph Pine, Jr. and James Gilmore describe how we are in the transition of moving from an economy of goods and services to the "experience economy". The White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group has assisted many location-based consumer facilities with developing strategies and remodeling and designing facilities to integrate entertainment, recreation and enrichment experiences as part of their offerings.

Health, Fitness Recreation & Sports Facilities ( health.shtml)

Shopping Center & Retail Entertainment ( leisure/ shopping.shtml)

Museums, Zoos, Aquariums, Botanical Gardens & Cultural Institutions ( leisure/ museum.shtml)

Cinemas ( leisure/ cinemas.shtml)

Hotels and resorts

Today, more and more hotels and resorts are adding special facilities to attract the family market. This includes family entertainment and recreation, both wet and dry; children's play areas; and adult and family enrichment facilities. With our extension and broad experience with all types of family and children's leisure and learning environments and facilities, WHLLG can assist owners of hotels and resorts with developing strategies and designing facilities to attract this important niche market. Our experience includes work with the Bavarian Inn and Restaurant in Frankenmuth, MI and the Concord Hotel in upstate New York.

Also see:

Tourist, Resort and Other Attractions ( leisure/ tourist.shtml)

Restaurants and Eatertainment ( leisure/ eatertainment.shtml)

Urban Entertainment & Redevel ( leisure/ urban.shtml) opment Projects

Farms ( agritourismi/ ) (agritourism)

Water Parks & Spraygrounds ( leisure/ waterparks.shtml)

Golf Practice, Driving Ranges and
Learning Centers

Bowling Centers ( leisure/ bowling.shtml)

Skating Centers ( leisure/ skating.shtml)

Resorts, Tourist and Other Attractions ( leisure/ tourist.shtml)

MWR Facilities ( leisure/ mwr.shtml)

Children's Play Areas and Adventure Play Gardens

Designing safe play environments for children



Mailing Address: White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, 4036 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64111, USA
Telephone: +1.816.931-1040, Fax: +1.816.756-5058
E-mail: Please direct all messages for Leisure, Entertainment and Recreation Projects to; and all messages for Children's Learning and Play Projects to

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