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White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group

White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, Kansas City, MO, USA

Vol. XIV, No. 5, June 2014

  1. The difference between OK and delighted ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article101.shtml#article)
  2. Foundations - July 15-17 Chicago, IL
    Foundations Lite - August 19 Atlanta, GA ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article102.shtml#article)
  3. More about families with children ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article103.shtml#article)
  4. To win today, it's all about offering a High Fidelity experience ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article104.shtml#article)
  5. Fun City FEC, Burlington, IA ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article105.shtml#article)
  6. Families with kids dining out less ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article106.shtml#article)
  7. Current projects ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article107.shtml#article)
  8. Helio Center in Vietnam to open this winter ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article108.shtml#article)
  9. Entertainment spending forecast to increase ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article109.shtml#article)

[ Index of Previous eNewsletters ( news/ lenews/ previous.shtml) ]

Helio Center in Vietnam to open this winter

The massive family and adult entertainment and restaurant center we designed in Da Nang, Vietnam is under construction with a planned opening this winter. We are currently working with them on procurement of FF&E and management start-up. Here are a few renderings of what the final project will look like.

Although the building has a dramatic front where the outdoor restaurant village will be located, the project’s entrance lobby will be in the basement garage that will house 820 motorbikes and 52 automobiles.
Entrance to the Children’s Edutainment Center & its outdoor discovery play garden Duckpin bowling will be featured with its smaller, user-friendlier ball.
The bowling center’s lounge area The VIP bowling lounge

Vol. XIV, No. 5, June 2014

  1. The difference between OK and delighted ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article101.shtml#article)
  2. Foundations - July 15-17 Chicago, IL
    Foundations Lite - August 19 Atlanta, GA ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article102.shtml#article)
  3. More about families with children ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article103.shtml#article)
  4. To win today, it's all about offering a High Fidelity experience ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article104.shtml#article)
  5. Fun City FEC, Burlington, IA ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article105.shtml#article)
  6. Families with kids dining out less ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article106.shtml#article)
  7. Current projects ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article107.shtml#article)
  8. Helio Center in Vietnam to open this winter ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article108.shtml#article)
  9. Entertainment spending forecast to increase ( news/ lenews/ 2014/ june/ article109.shtml#article)

[ Index of Previous eNewsletters ( news/ lenews/ previous.shtml) ]

Mailing Address: White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, 4036 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64111, USA
Telephone: +1.816.931-1040, Fax: +1.816.756-5058
E-mail: Please direct all messages for Leisure, Entertainment and Recreation Projects to; and all messages for Children's Learning and Play Projects to

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