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White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group

White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, Kansas City, MO, USA

Vol. XI, No. 2, July-September 2012

  1. Finding Terroir - A Sense of Place in Outdoor Environments ( news/ learnenews/ 2012/ september/ article101.shtml#article)
  2. Ways To Do It Naturally ( news/ learnenews/ 2012/ september/ article102.shtml#article)
  3. Prevention of Disabilities in Children: The Environment ( news/ learnenews/ 2012/ september/ article103.shtml#article)
  4. Air Quality and Outdoor Play ( news/ learnenews/ 2012/ september/ article104.shtml#article)
  5. Vertical Gardening in Outdoor Environments ( news/ learnenews/ 2012/ september/ article105.shtml#article)
  6. Crochet playground ( news/ learnenews/ 2012/ september/ article106.shtml#article)

[ Index of Previous eNewsletters ( news/ learnenews/ previous.shtml) ]

Prevention of Disabilities in Children: The Environment

While over the years, research has been funded to identify risk factors and mitigate symptoms of individual children’s disabilities or disease; little attention has been paid to the prevention of disabilities. Emerging evidence and research is beginning to provide the evidence needed for understanding that many of the disabilities of childhood have their roots in the environment-from toxins in air, water and soil to marketing practices that encourage unhealthy choices. In an article written by Stephen Rauch and Bruce Lanphear and published this Spring in Children with Disabilities, these two scientists map out the way for identifying and either eliminating or controlling widespread exposure of children to modifiable environmental risk factors. Preventing disabilities will require all of us to change our behaviors and how we live. Click here ( futureofchildren/ publications/ journals/ article/ index.xml?journalid=77 \& articleid=566) to download the article and educate others.

Vol. XI, No. 2, July-September 2012

  1. Finding Terroir - A Sense of Place in Outdoor Environments ( news/ learnenews/ 2012/ september/ article101.shtml#article)
  2. Ways To Do It Naturally ( news/ learnenews/ 2012/ september/ article102.shtml#article)
  3. Prevention of Disabilities in Children: The Environment ( news/ learnenews/ 2012/ september/ article103.shtml#article)
  4. Air Quality and Outdoor Play ( news/ learnenews/ 2012/ september/ article104.shtml#article)
  5. Vertical Gardening in Outdoor Environments ( news/ learnenews/ 2012/ september/ article105.shtml#article)
  6. Crochet playground ( news/ learnenews/ 2012/ september/ article106.shtml#article)

[ Index of Previous eNewsletters ( news/ learnenews/ previous.shtml) ]

Mailing Address: White Hutchinson Leisure & Learning Group, 4036 Baltimore Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64111, USA
Telephone: +1.816.931-1040, Fax: +1.816.756-5058
E-mail: Please direct all messages for Leisure, Entertainment and Recreation Projects to; and all messages for Children's Learning and Play Projects to

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